SAEN: Doggett merits another term

U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat, has earned another term to represent the 35th Congressional District.

Elected to the U.S. House in 1994, Lloyd Doggett has been a mainstay in Texas politics even before then — as a member of the state Senate for 11 years and elected to sit on the state Supreme Court in 1988.

And for as long as he’s been in elected office, elected Republicans have caricatured and targeted him. It is why the Democrat’s district — Congressional District 35 — and other previous districts were gerrymandered so much. To get him out of the way. It hasn’t worked.

That’s good because Texas is served by a loyal opposition and that is why we recommend Doggett for another term in the U.S. House. He has been a stalwart and reasoned voice for health care and equity generally for Texans.

Read the full story here.

Thank you, for the encouragement and support, especially throughout these recent weeks.  There are no unimportant elections and no unimportant races. From the courthouse to the statehouse to the Congress, I will be working for Democratic victories.

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