Roll Call: Lawmakers Make New Year’s Resolutions

The Senate is back and the House will return next week after regrouping over the winter recess and preparing to tackle another tough year ahead.

Between midterms and a long legislative agenda, lawmakers have a lot to figure out. So it’s no wonder that their New Year’s resolutions revolve around policy issues and the election, instead of typical goals such as getting healthy or spending time with family.

HOH asked some members to share their resolutions for 2018.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas: “More exercise — more exercise of freedom of speech and assembly to preserve our democracy from the ongoing threat of the Trump administration.”

Read the full story here.

Thank you, for the encouragement and support, especially throughout these recent weeks.  There are no unimportant elections and no unimportant races. From the courthouse to the statehouse to the Congress, I will be working for Democratic victories.

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