NPR: Remdesivir 101: What Is This Drug, Are There Alternatives And How Much Might It Cost?

Lupkin: At first, the administration shipped cases of remdesivir directly to hospitals in a handful of states, but they weren’t always the hospitals that had the most COVID-19 patients. Here’s Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat from Texas who has asked for an explanation.

Rep. Doggett: The states – not clear why and how much they get, nor is it clear what methods they are using to allocate.

Lupkin: He says a few hospitals in his district have received cases of remdesivir, but they don’t know whether more will arrive. He’s one of the members of Congress who have called for more transparency into the distribution of remdesivir.

Read the full story here.
News Credit

Author: Sydney Lupkin

Publication: NPR, All Things Considered

Date: May 19, 2020

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