Newsweek: Democrats Blast Trump’s 2021 Budget as a ‘Hit List’

Congressional Democrats blasted President Donald Trump’s $4.8 trillion 2021 budget as a “hit list” against hard-working American families and an election-year attempt to shrink federal safety net programs after he proposed Monday to make massive cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency, student loan assistance, education and Medicaid—while boosting military spending and border enforcement.

“Trump’s Budget a Hit List, Not Wish List: Targets Children, Environment, and Patients … For Trump and his enablers, impeachment shows facts don’t matter; the climate crisis shows science doesn’t matter. Less than a wish list, it’s a hit list, with our children, the environment, and patients hit hard,” wrote Texas Democratic congressman Lloyd Doggett, a member of the House Budget Committee, in a statement Monday.

Read the full story here.
News Credit

Publisher: Newsweek

Author: Benjamin Fearnow

Date: Feb. 10, 2020

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