KXAN: Federal judges find Texas gerrymandered maps on racial lines

“Federal judges found more problems in Texas’ voting rights laws, ruling that Republicans racially gerrymandered some congressional districts to weaken the growing electoral power of minorities, who former President Barack Obama set out to protect at the ballot box before leaving office…

The congressional districts voided by the panel belong to Democrat Lloyd Doggett and Republicans Will Hurd and Blake Farenthold…

Congressman Doggett’s district represents parts of east and southeast Austin and stretches along Interstate 35 to include parts of the city of San Antonio.

“This district is one of the most gerrymandered and throughout this lengthy [court filing] — hundreds of pages — is their repeated efforts to try and get rid of me,” said Doggett.

Doggett said the ruling was a pleasant surprise, adding that it could mean a big change in leadership for many in Central Texas. “I think that if this court ruling is upheld, we’ll see some new members of the delegations who are democratic and who don’t spend all their time being anti-immigrant and anti-environment and anti-everything else,” he said.” Read the full article here.