Austin Monitor: Austin health clinics get $4.6 million from CARES Act

Thanks to the recently passed coronavirus relief package known as the CARES Act, Austin community health clinics will be receiving $4.6 million in funding. People’s Community Clinic will get $1,000,775 and Travis County Healthcare District (Central Health) gets $3,676,220. In an announcement about the news, Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett, who secured the funding, said, “Today, we’re deploying resources to reinforce our frontline health centers, who care for some of our most vulnerable neighbors. This is a good start, but much more is needed to adequately combat this pandemic. Until we resolve our health care crisis, we cannot resolve our economic crisis.”

Read the full story here.
News Credit

Author: Tai Moses

Publisher: Austin Monitor

Date: Apr. 10, 2020

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