AAS: Doggett: Obamacare fight led to victory for resistance but GOP ‘Empire will strike back’

“Austin’s U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett might feel like the force is strong with Democrats on Friday after a GOP attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act – aka Obamacare – foundered, but he warned that the “Empire will strike back.”

Doggett’s statement came just after U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he had pulled the President Trump-backed American Health Care Act because of a lack of Republican votes.

“Republicans bet on blitzkrieg and lost,” Doggett said in a statement. “This is a victory for the resistance, but the Empire will strike back.”” Read full article here.

Thank you, for the encouragement and support, especially throughout these recent weeks.  There are no unimportant elections and no unimportant races. From the courthouse to the statehouse to the Congress, I will be working for Democratic victories.

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